
Showing posts from September, 2011

CQ Development - OSGi bundles and Components

Recently one of my blog follower asked about how we can use the OSGi bundle (components and services) in CQ’s JSP/components. In this post I am going to enlist few key things about creating and accessing the OSGi bundle in CQ components. So, a CQ component is nothing but a script file (either a JAVA or JSP) and the primary goal of a component is rending the markup but, component may need to access OSGi services in order to execute some business logic that is part of OSGi bundle. I am going to use CRXDE (an eclipse flavored IDE for CQ development). First of all I’ll enlist the steps to access any component that you have written in a bundle and then I’ll explain it in details. Steps: 1)       Create an OSGi bundle. 2)       Create a OSGi service (using Felix/OSGi annotations). 3)       Write an utility class to access the components that we have created in setp#2. Explanation: 1.      ...