
Showing posts from February, 2013

Working with Spring Embedded Database

Sometimes it is very useful to work with an in memory databases when you want to demonstrate certain database centric features of an application during development phase. Spring supports HSQL, H2, and Derby as default embedded databases but, you can also use an extensible API to plug in new embedded database types and “DataSource” implementations. In this tutorial we’ll see how to configure and use embedded database (HSQL) using spring. Spring supports XML as well as Programmatic configuration of beans. For, simplicity I’ll use XML based configuration in this article. Here are the items that we’ll cover in this article 1.    Configuring embedded database using spring. 2.    Define a simple domain object (User) and creating a simple DAO layer for accessing underling embedded database. 3.    Create two Spring MVC controllers & views to create users and display users. I’ll suggest you to download the example code for this article fr...

Programming CSS Using LESS Preprocessor & Maven Integration

In this article I am going to introduce you to a couple of tools and development practices which are very cool from UI development perspective and I am sure you’ll be tempted to adopt it for your next project. You can download full working example/source code for this article from my SVN repository at googlecodes Since last 7 years I am working on web application development using Java/J2EE and various other frameworks. I am not an UI developer and my work is mainly focused on server side development that includes designing application framework and coding them in java (web service, performance tuning, transaction management etc.) Writing code takes less time but, designing stable and maintainable applications is something that needs more time. One of the various must have qualities of a software is reusability. The general rule of software development is “develop reusable components/code”. It’s very easy to achieve reusa...

OSGi and Modular Java Applications

What is Modular Application? In simple words, an application that is divided into many independent/isolated functional or non-functional modules/components (user interface or business logic) is a modular application. Modules can be installed and uninstalled dynamically from application’s core framework. When a module is installed, the application serves features/functionalities available in that module. Similarly, when a module is uninstalled from application, certain features/functionalities from removed module will also be removed from application without affecting rest of the application and its functionality. “Eclipse Editor” is a well-known Java editor and it is a very good example of modular application. Whenever we need a feature, we install appropriate plug-in (i.e. module) and that feature is available in our eclipse. We can also uninstall a plug-in if we don’t need specific feature, uninstalling a plug-in will only remove a specific feature from eclipse without affecting ...