Integration of bug tracking system(Bugzilla) with IDE (Eclipse)
In every project we use some kind of bug tracking softwares (like team track, bugzilla etc.), we are also using one known as bugzilla for our projects. It is always nice to have a feature where developer gets notified whenever a bug or defect is logged against him/her in bug tracking system. Most of the bug tracking softwares sends out e-mail alert to respective developer/tester whenever a bug is logged against them, but is there any other intresting way of doing this? What if you get an alert very simillar to IM in your IDE itself (along with mail) whenever a bug logged against you? ok ok..I'll just ask one last question: Question) is it this really possible to integrate IDE (I am here talking about only eclipse) with Bug tracking software to get smart alerts? Answer) Yes it is possible. There is a ready-made plugin avilable (FREE), which allows to add/track/update/delete bugs/defects kind of functionality from IDE itsefl, we dont need to go through any web URL, bu...