Robot In Space (RIS) - Introduction

I played a role of Robot this weekend...

I was think of a concept about designing a Java wrapper/representation of real time Robot. After spending some time I thought let's write it using OOP (Object Oriented Programing). After thinking for a while I started writing few classes and interfaces and very soon it became very intresting and I thought that I should share my work with you all.

Still I am not completely done with the idea I have. I am still improving the code and re-factoring it. I have already created a project on Google-Projects but, still I have not uploaded the code. After a satisfactory re-factoring I'll upload it and I'll update my blog about it or you can follow me on twitter for update.

At the moment I the thing which I can share with you is a simple introductory document. For more information please download the PDF from here.


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